Can our devastations be opportunities for great transformation?

Moments of devastation will visit everyone in life. Whether it is grief, illness, loss, or some other trauma, no one escapes. In Celine’s case, one of those moments was her diagnosis with breast cancer in 2016. As you join Celine on her journey from getting this life-changing news, to surrendering and ultimately choosing a path of transformation, you are prompted to reflect on your own life and how your personal traumas have shaped you into the person you are today. You will discover that every crisis is an opportunity to evolve, and that despite the inevitable pain that comes with growth, life really is happening for you, not to you. It is always unfolding for your highest good. Packed full of practical tips and insights, this book is a reminder that you are not just a helpless victim of life. You are a powerful creator and life is actually trying to help you grow into the fullest version of you. 

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Gifts from the Devastation

Can our devastations be opportunities for great transformation?

Moments of devastation will visit everyone in life. Whether it is grief, illness, loss, or some other trauma, no one escapes. In Celine’s case, one of those moments was her diagnosis with breast cancer in 2016. As you join Celine on her journey from getting this life-changing news, to surrendering and ultimately choosing a path of transformation, you are prompted to reflect on your own life and how your personal traumas have shaped you into the person you are today. You will discover that every crisis is an opportunity to evolve, and that despite the inevitable pain that comes with growth, life really is happening for you, not to you. It is always unfolding for your highest good. Packed full of practical tips and insights, this book is a reminder that you are not just a helpless victim of life. You are a powerful creator and life is actually trying to help you grow into the fullest version of you. 

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Can our devastations be opportunities for great transformation?Moments of devastation will visit everyone in life. Whether it is grief, illness, loss, or some other trauma, no ...

The Tapestry of Life

"The Tapestry of Life is a book that takes you by surprise. It’s a deceptively simple story, about the lives of ordinary people. But through her characters Celine O’Donovan gives a sharp, and insightful commentary about modern society; our treatment of mental illness, our disregard for older people, and the safety net of community. It’s a book about bravery, discovery, and most importantly, friendship. Roll on the sequel."
Sarah McInerney, RTE broadcaster and journalist

The Tapestry of Life is available to purchase in Dubrays and Charlie Byrne's Bookshop in Galway or online at Tribes Press or Amazon (paperback and kindle edition) or click on the button below.


"The Tapestry of Life is a book that takes you by surprise. It’s a deceptively simple story, about the lives of ordinary people. But through her characters Celine O’Donovan ...